Better than synctoy
Better than synctoy

Tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq outlook.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "outlook.exe">NULĮcho Outlook closed executing SyncTo圜md. "c:\Mark Personal\System Tools\NirCmd\nircmd.exe" closeprocess outlook.exe

better than synctoy

After Googling around and experimenting this is what I came up off So, what I needed was a command that would close Outlook, run SyncToy, then restart Outlook. When I happened to check the log I saw the read errors and realized that my voluminous mail file had never been backed up. I have Outlook open all the time, minimized to the system tray, and when Outlook is open SyncToy can’t read the. The problem was my Outlook.pst mail file. In this case it turns out that the SyncToy command didn’t quite work as well as I thought. It’s one of those deals where I set something up, make sure it works, and then forget about it. This setup worked great for months, or at least I thought it did. I have a scheduled task that runs every night to tell SyncToy to process all the defined folder pairs. There are several modes, but I use the “echo” action, which propagates changes from the source folder to the sync folder. To keep some set of files safe all you do is organize them under one or more folders, then use SyncToy to define named folder pairs that match the original content folders with sync folders on the second drive. SyncToy uses the Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 to manage pairs of folders and keep them in sync according to certain rules. But for making sure that my daily work is saved I haven’t found a better alternative than SyncToy and a second hard disk.


I also keep complete disk images for those rare occasions when a full recovery is needed. In the past I’ve used many different solutions, from custom xcopy scripts to robocopy to the built-in backup program that started shipping with Windows back in the NT days. I use Microsoft’s SyncToy for nightly backups.

Better than synctoy